Last year Jen and I had the kids make a Top 10 list for the spring break's interesting to see what the kids wrote and how they ranked their favorite activities. Jen, Bethany and I did one last year with our spring break blog and we think it turned out well. The boys will be posting their Top 10 list for this spring break too (stay tuned). In the meantime, here's my Top 10 list....
10. Introducing the boys to Sonic and Which 'Wich?
9. Driving the open Oklahoma road with the boys! (which includes seeing the great OK windfarms!)
8. Seeing all of the great people in Okalhoma who work tireless to educate and teach about Oklahoma history and culture: Lauren, Chris, Shelley, Kathryn, Minoma, Joel, Crystal, Eugene, Gary, and Nathan.
7. Reading the boys' blogs and seeing what they decided to write about.
6. Meers Cafe with the boys--and our day in the Wichita Mountains---the bison and prairie dogs were awesome!
5. Having lunch with Kiera and Najah---in OKLAHOMA!!!!
4. All of the special presentations that everyone did for the boys--from collecting water at Chickasaw, talking to Bruce (while he was on vacation!), to the special presentation at Washita with the phenomenal artifacts---I couldn't have asked for a better experience for my students!
3. Being in uniform again! (complete with badge and hat!!!) and with Lauren in uniform at Chickasaw!
2. The presentation by the students to each other about their respective National Parks--that's what STAMPS is all about!!!
1. Sharing my spring break with the boys in Oklahoma and seeing the National Parks in another part of the country with them.
14 years ago
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